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Delivered in Hot Service

Service Method

Main meal entrees and desserts are prepared at our Production Unit, blast chilled and delivered overnight in a refrigerated vehicle to a local production kitchen.

Vegetables, fruits, salads, dairy and other ad hoc food items are sourced locally and delivered direct into the production kitchen. Production kitchen staff cook off the multi portion product in line with orders placed for each school, temperature probe and load the product into specialist hot boxes which have been warmed, ready to receive hot product. Clean cutlery, meal trays, beakers, jugs and service equipment is delivered in together with ambient and chilled product required for the daily menu.


Chartwells’s dedicated fleet of vehicles deliver the product to the schools. Where access is available, the driver plugs in the hot boxes. Equipment and hot boxes are delivered to a location in the school agreed during a pre-service audit.


Chartwells’s trained service staff arrive at the school to set up service tables, check food delivery is correct, temperature probe and display hot food on table top stainless steel hot plate and ambient/chilled product in baskets and dishes as appropriate.

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